Monday, February 3, 6-8 pm: The View from Hall’s Pond: Fifty Years of Conservation Efforts in Brookline
Date: Monday, February 3, 6-8 pm
Diana Stelin Gallery
1386 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446
Speakers will discuss the emergence and development of conservation efforts in Brookline with a focus on the transformation of Hall’s Pond into one of the first, and certainly the most frequented, nature sanctuaries in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
continue reading →2024 December Newsletter
HALL’S POND continues to amaze, amuse and entertain us with its cycle of seasonal changes. If 2023 was marked by abundant summer rains, 2024 was drier and ended in a mild drought. The Sanctuary remained nonetheless exuberantly green. Our flora and fauna cycled through the seasons, and we had regular visits from blue herons and cormorants.
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2019 December Newsletter
AS WE WIND DOWN the fall season and begin our transition into winter, it is a perfect time to reflect on what has been accomplished and what needs and issues will need to be addressed in 2020.
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2018 December Newsletter
THE AUGUST DOLDRUMS hit Hall’s Pond hard, with unusually hot and humid afternoons. Not a bird in sight—a sad situation for an avid birder. As I stood on the north boardwalk platform, all I could think of was the heat. Staring down at the water I started to notice abundant life.
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See & Share Sightings
Please share your reports of interesting happenings at Hall’s Pond Sanctuary and enjoy reading others’ posts.
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December 2017 Newsletter
Walk down Beacon Street from Coolidge Corner alongside the westering winter sun.
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Fall/Winter 2016 Newsletter
THE LIFE STORY of one tree is in truth the story of the constant change in an entire forest over a century. This was one key message that Lynda Mapes presented at the 40th anniversary celebration of the Friends of Hall’s Pond on June 12.
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Hall’s Pond Community Day
Horticultural activities will include planting of new grasses in Nan’s Meadow and preparation for an expanded fern garden in Amory Woods.
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Join the Friends
Help Friends of Hall’s Pond maintain and improve the Sanctuary with financial support, we are now accepting online donations!
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Community Work Days
Each spring and fall the Friends organize work parties to remove the trash, and invasive plants and restore the sanctuary with new plantings.
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