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“A Plan for Hall’s Pond Sanctuary” (PDF)

Prepared for Brookline Conservation Commission Town of Brookline, Massachusetts

Friends of Hall’s Pond
October 1996

Prepared by
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Environmental Extension Service

Bill Giezentanner and Don Eunson, Planners

↓ Download the “A Plan for Hall’s Pond Sanctuary” Book (PDF)

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 8.58.29 PMDedication
Josephine J. Albrecht

Throughout work on this plan there has been the spirit of one who set the standards, set the pace, and set an example for us over nearly 20 years at Hall’s Pond Sanctuary. Jo Albrecht’s memory and inspiration continue to guide us as we try to fill the great void her death has left. This plan is an outgrowth of our commitment to what Jo Albrecht and the Friends of Hall’s Pond have begun. It institutionalizes stewardship policies which will ensure a stable future for a fragile resource. We know Jo would be honored by this work and it’s plan for her most precious place.

Brookline Conservation Commission
Friends of Hall’s Pond