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  • Fall/Winter 2007 Newsletter

    Fall/Winter 2007 Newsletter

    WINTER BIRDWATCHING in New England is exceptionally exciting, my favorite season, after Spring. Birds come right to your feeders, show themselves easily in bare woods. Ocean and lake ducks fly down from Canada in vast numbers; you can scope or binoc them, or eyeball some (Mergansers, Canvasbacks, Scaup, Ring-necks, Ruddies) at Hall’s Pond or Fresh Pond in Cambridge.

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  • Volunteers arriving at Hall's Pond 30th Annual Community Work Day on Sunday, April 29, 2007.

    Spring/Summer 2007 Newsletter

    THE TOWN of Brookline has budgeted $300,000 to be spent by the Park and Recreation Commission for improvements to Amory Park. Larson Associates, a landscape architect firm and the Town’s design consultant has had multiple informative public design review meetings over the past few months, including site visits.

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  • Fall 2004 Newsletter

    Fall 2004 Newsletter

    Hall’s Pond Sanctuary and the adjacent neighborhood, Cottage Farm, are part of the National Register of Historic Places (1978) and the first local (Brookline) historic district (1979). The Sanctuary, located behind 1120 Beacon Street, is administered by the Conservation Commission with financial and maintenance support by the Friends of Hall’s Pond. The Friends group has been a model for more than a dozen subsequent “ friends” organizations in the Town which support a variety of neighborhood sanctuaries, parks, gardens, woods, and playgrounds. An extensive restoration of the Sanctuary was completed in 2002, at which time Hall’s Pond (3.5 acres) was combined with the adjacent Amory Woods parcel (1.6 acres).

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  • Spring 2004 Newsletter

    Spring 2004 Newsletter

    This is the first of a series of historic vignettes relating to Hall’s Pond Sanctuary and the neighborhood surrounding it, Cottage Farm.

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  • September / October 2003 Newsletter

    September / October 2003 Newsletter

    Hall’s Pond is one of two natural ponds remaining in Brookline. Purchased by the Town in 1975, Hall’s Pond is historically significant for having been owned by Minna Hall, a co-founder of the Massachusetts Audubon Society in 1896. The Hall’s Pond area has long been valued in Brookline for its open space qualities.

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