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Month: March 2015

  • “A Plan for Hall’s Pond Sanctuary” (PDF)

    “A Plan for Hall’s Pond Sanctuary” (PDF)

    Prepared for Brookline Conservation Commission Town of Brookline, Massachusetts
    Friends of Hall’s Pond
    October 1996

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  • Fall/Winter 2013 Newsletter

    Fall/Winter 2013 Newsletter

    Stewardship, Volunteerism, and the Gift of Time Ever Since the dedication of Hall’s Pond Sanctuary on June 15, 1975 the citizens of Brookline (Boston, and beyond) have given their Gift of Time to establish and to sustain a conservation ethic and enhanced stewardship through volunteerism at the sanctuary.

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  • Past and current Presidents Janice Provencher, Ellen Forrester, Betsy Shure Gross, and Barbara Mackey. Photo Credit: Bruce Wolff

    Fall/Winter 2009 Newsletter

    On behalf of The Board of Directors of The Friends of Hall’s Pond, we want to welcome all who use Hall’s Pond Nature Sanctuary, to thank our wonderful very special Volunteers, and note our appreciation to the Brookline Conservation Commission Commissioners and to their staff, Tom Brady and Heather Charles for their untiring efforts on behalf of this unique Brookline resource. We are proud to be your partners in the protection and preservation of Hall’s Pond.

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  • Fall/Winter 2008 Newsletter

    Fall/Winter 2008 Newsletter

    Hues and Rustles Winter’s nearly upon us, so it’s time to roll up the boardwalk until spring. Or is it? Winter’s bark is worse than its bite, and far softer than the baleful baying of the weather reporters of the everbleak outlook. So, get out and enjoy the winter, whatever the weather. Lord knows our feathered friends always make the best of it with good cheer. Birds and small mammals forage avidly in the snow, and Hall’s Pond usually enjoys lively wildlife from November through March.

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  • “She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head!” Illustrated Book (PDF)

    “She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head!” Illustrated Book (PDF)

    Minna Hall and Harriet Hemenway, two very well bred Boston ladies, decide that something must be done. Fashionable ladies are parading around town with dead birds on their hats! So Minna and Harriet gather together the most prominent women and men in town and form a club to protect the birds. Thus is born the Massachusetts Audubon Society.

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