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Monday, February 3, 6-8 pm: The View from Hall’s Pond: Fifty Years of Conservation Efforts in Brookline

Date: Monday, February 3, 6-8 pm
Diana Stelin Gallery
1386 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446

Speakers will discuss the emergence and development of conservation efforts in Brookline with a focus on the transformation of Hall’s Pond into one of the first, and certainly the most frequented, nature sanctuaries in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Join us for an exploration of the history of Hall’s Pond, its relationship with other conservation efforts in the town of Brookline, its present day flora and fauna, and its upcoming renovation.

View oil paintings that celebrate the beauty of Hall’s Pond and other sanctuaries.

Panelists: Ann Frechette, Co-President, Friends of Hall’s Pond
Alex Cassie, Conservation & Natural Resources Manager, Brookline Dept. of Public Works
Amelia Szymkowicz, Photographer, Board of Directors, Friends of Hall’s Pond
C. J. Lori, Exhibiting Artist, Nature Lover









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